Checklist Sports Card Set Checklists

1952 Cubs Ben Bey
1 Frank Baumholtz
2 Bob Borkowski
3 Smoky Burgess
4 Phil Cavaretta
5 Chuck Connors
6 Jack Cusick
7 Bruce Edwards
8 Dee Fondy
9 Joe Hatten
10 Gene Hermanski
11 Frank Hiller
12 Ransom Jackson
13 Hal Jeffcoat
14 Bob Kelly
15 John Klippstein
16 Dutch Leonard
17 Turk Lown
18 Cal McLish
19 Eddie Miksis
20 Paul Minner
21 Bob Ramazzotti
22 Bob Rush
23 Hank Sauer
24 Bob Schultz
25 Bill Serena
26 Roy Smalley

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